Saturday 6 February 2016

Course No. 303: Victorian Literature

Alfred Tennyson:

Image result for Alfred Tennyson
Biography of  Alfred Tennyson

Lotus Eaters:        
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Ulysses In Memoriam:        

Robert Browning:
Image result for Robert Browning
Biography of Robert Browning
  Rabby Ben Ezra:
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The Last Ride Together:

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Andrea Del Sarto:
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Matthew Arnold:

Image result for Matthew Arnold
Biography of Matthew Arnold

The Scholar Gipsy:

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Dover Beach:

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The Forsaken Merman:

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J. S. Mill

Image result for J. S. Mill
Biography of J. S. Mill

On Liberty, Chapter 1:

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Image result for henry newman

Biography of John Henry Newman

The Idea of a University, Chapter 5:

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The Idea of a University, Chapter 6:

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The Idea of a University, Chapter 7:

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