Saturday 6 February 2016

Course No. 302: Literary Criticism


Image result for Aristotle

Biography of Aristotle


Main Text               Summary               Related Question    

John Dryden:
Image result for John Dryden
Biography of John Dryden
An Essay on Dramatic Poesy:
Main Text               Summary               Related Question 

Dr. Johnson:

Image result for Dr. Johnson
Biography of Dr. Johnson

  Preface to Shakespeare:

Main Text               Summary               Related Question

William Wordsworth:

Image result for William Wordsworth
Biography of William Wordsworth

Preface to Lyrical Ballads:

Main Text               Summary               Related Question

Matthew Arnold:

Image result for Matthew Arnold

Biography of Matthew Arnold

The Study of Poetry:

Main Text               Summary               Related Question
T. S. Eliot:

Image result for T. S. Eliot

Biography of T. S. Eliot

Tradition and the Individual Talent:

Main Text               Summary               Related Question


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